Kosher, Halal and Insects: How do they relate?

Recorded March 25, 2024

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Dr. Joe Regenstein

Dr. Joe Regenstein, Professor Emeritus, Food Science and Head of the Cornell University Kosher and Halal Food Initiative.

Kosher and halal food regulations are an important part of the food industry. Both religious systems are concerned about the practices of modern agriculture including the role of insects and similar animal species. This talk will introduce these dietary laws and then look specifically at how each religion views insects in the food and feed context.

Dr. Joe Regenstein

Dr. Regenstein is a recognized expert on kosher and halal foods. He served on the Food Market Institute’s (trade association of the supermarkets) Animal Welfare Technical Committee and serves with Dr. Temple Grandin and others on the American Veterinary Medicine Association’s Humane Slaughter Guidelines Panel, with his work focused on the religious slaughter of animals. He has received two awards from CALS’: Efforts to Promote Multicultural Diversity and Outstanding Accomplishments in Science and Public Policy and has received the Institute of Food Technologist’s (IFT) Elizabeth Stier Humanitarian, Bor-Luh International and Carl Feller’s Career Service Awards (joint with Phi Tau Sigma). He co-founded and edited IFT’s Religious and Ethnic Foods Division newsletter for many years.

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